About Us

Our Team

  • Dr. Anne Duffy, MD, MSc, FRCPC

    Centre Director

    Anne Duffy is an academic psychiatrist whose multidisciplinary translational research focuses on understanding the development of common mental disorders in young people. Main research programs include longitudinal cohort studies of children and adolescents at familial risk for mood disorders (Flourish research) and of undergraduate students from the start to completion of their studies (U-Flourish research).

  • Dr. Nathan King, PhD

    Centre Research Scientist

    Nathan King is a research scientist who completed his PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowship at Queen’s University Departments of Public Health Sciences and Psychiatry. His research focuses on common mental health concerns in both school age children and youth, as well as university students. Specific interests include estimating the burden of mental health across various subgroups of young people, including for potentially disadvantaged subgroups.

  • Liz

    Liz Terzlaff, PhD

    Centre Coordinator, Post-Doctoral Fellow

Our Executive Leadership Team

  • Dr. Scott Patten

    University of Calgary

  • Dr. Ed Watkins

    University of Exeter (UK)

  • Dr. Lucy Robinson

    Newcastle University (UK)

  • Dr. William Pickett

    Brock University

Our Students

  • Daniel Rivera, MSc

    MD/PhD Student (Queen’s University)

    Developing and evaluating digital tools to address the spectrum of post-secondary student mental health need.


    Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral (CIHR; 2024-27))

    Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology (2023-24)

  • Adeleine Lyon, BScH

    MSc Student (Queen’s University)

    Describing cannabis use and associations with mental health in first year university students.

    Funding: U-Flourish Centre (2024)

  • Alice Yu Shen Li, BScH

    MD Student (Queen’s University)

    Unpacking the impact of demographic factors on university student well-being.

    Funding: McLaughlin Research Studentstip Fund (2024)

  • Hayden John

    MD Student (Queen’s University)

    Evaluating unacceptable experiences and the resulting impacts on undergraduate student mental health and well-being.

    Funding: Undergraduate Student Research Award (SSHRC; 2024)