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Advancing clinical practice and discovery research through revised taxonomy: Case in point bipolar disorder diagnosis
Anne Duffy, and Paul Grof
Acceptability and utility of digital well-being and mental health support for university students: A pilot study
Kurtis Pankow, Nathan King, Melanie Li, Jin Byun, Liam Jugoon, Daniel Rivera, Gina Dimitropoulos, Scott Patten, Jonathan Kingslake, Charles Keown-Stoneman, and Anne Duffy
Longitudinal associations between COVID-19 stress and mental health symptoms among university faculty and staff in Canada.
Kate L. Harkness, Jordan D. Herbison, Jessica Rowe, Reem Atallah, Tim V. Salomons, Tracy J. Trothen, Anne Duffy, and Wendy M. Craig
Access to University Mental Health Services: Understanding the Student Experience: L'accès aux services universitaires de santé mentale : comprendre l'expérience des étudiants
Nathan King, Will Pickett, Kurtis Pankow, Gina Dimitropoulos, Emma Cullen, Stephen McNevin, Scott B. Patten, and Anne Duffy
Did childhood adversity increase the vulnerability of university students to the negative mental health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic?
Asmita Bhattarai , Nathan King, Gina Dimitropoulos, Simone Cunningham, Daniel Rivera , Suzanne Tough, Andrew GM Bulloch, Scott B Patten , and Anne Duffy
Transitions to campus mental health care in university students: Determinants and predictors
Scott B Patten, Nathan King, Amlish Munir, Andrew G M Bulloch, Dan Devoe, Daniel Rivera, Jin Byun, Simone Cunningham, Gina Dimitropoulos, Asmita Bhattarai, and Anne Duffy
Acceptability and utility of digital well-being and mental health support for university students: A pilot study
Kurtis Pankow, Nathan King, Melanie Li, Jin Byun, Liam Jugoon, Daniel Rivera, Gina Dimitropoulos, Scott Patten, Jonathan Kingslake, Charles Keown-Stoneman, and Anne Duffy
University Student Mental Health: An Important Window of Opportunity for Prevention and Early Intervention
Anne Duffy
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of first-year undergraduate students studying at a major Canadian university: A successive cohort study
Nathan King, William Pickett, and Anne Duffy
Childhood Adversity and Mental Health Outcomes Among University Students: A Longitudinal Study
Asmita Bhattarai, Nathan King, and Anne Duffy
Changes in sleep and the prevalence of probable insomnia in undergraduate university students over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from the U-Flourish cohort study.
Nathan King, William Pickett, Charles D. G. Keown-Stoneman, Christopher B. Miller, Melanie Li, and Anne Duffy
Mental health and academic outcomes over the first year at university in international compared to domestic Canadian students
Nathan King, Daniel Rivera, Simone Cunningham, William Pickett, Kate Harkness, Steven H. McNevin, Melissa Milanovic, Jin Byun, A. Khanna, J. Atkinson, Kate E.A. Saunders, and Anne Duffy
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the experience and mental health of university students studying in Canada and the UK: a cross-sectional study
Jennifer A Appleby, Nathan King, Kate E Saunders. Anne Bast, Daniel Rivera, Jin Byun, Simone Cunningham, Charandeep Khera, and Anne Duffy
Psychological predictors of insomnia, anxiety and depression in university students: potential prevention targets
Julia A. B. Lindsay, Niall M. McGowan, Nathan King, Daniel Rivera, Melanie Li, Jin Byun, Simone Cunningham, Kate E. A. Saunders, and Anne Duffy
Transitions to campus mental health care in university students: Determinants and predictors
Scott B. Patten, Nathan King, Amlish Munir, Andrew G. M. Bulloch, Dan Devoe, Daniel Rivera, Jin Byun, Simone Cunningham, Gina Dimitropoulos, Asmita Bhattarai, and Anne Duffy
The feasibility and effectiveness of a novel online mental health literacy course in supporting university student mental health: a pilot study
N. King, B. Linden, S. Cunningham, D. Rivera, J. Rose, N. Wagner, J. Mulder, M. Adams, R. Baxter & A. Duffy
Mental health trajectories in undergraduate students over the first year of university: a longitudinal cohort study
Kiera Louise Adams, Kate E Saunders, Charles Donald George Keown-Stoneman, and Anne C Duffy
Mental health need of students at entry to university: Baseline findings from the U-Flourish Student Well-Being and Academic Success Study
Nathan King, William Pickett, Steven H. McNevin, Chris R. Bowie, Daniel Rivera, Charlie Keown-Stoneman, Kate Harkness, Simone Cunningham, Melissa Milanovic, Kate E. A. Saunders, Sarah Goodday, and Anne Duffy
Predictors of mental health and academic outcomes in first-year university students: Identifying prevention and early-intervention targets
A. Duffy, C. Keown-Stoneman, S. Goodday, J. Horrocks, M. Lowe, N. King, W. Pickett, S. H. McNevin, S. Cunningham, D. Rivera, L. Bisdounis, C. R. Bowie, K. Harkness, and K. E. A. Saunders
U-Flourish university students wellbeing and academic success longitudinal study: a study protocol
Sarah Margaret Goodday, Daniel Rivera, Hannah Foran, Nathan King, Melissa Milanovic, Charles DG Keown-Stoneman, Julie Horrocks, Elizabeth Tetzlaff, Christopher R Bowie, William Pickett, Kate Harkness, Kate E Saunders, Simone Cunningham, Steven McNevin, and Anne Duffy
Mental health care for university students: a way forward?
Anne Duffy, Kate E A Saunders, Gin S Malhi, Scott Patten, Andrea Cipriani, Stephen H McNevin, Ellie MacDonald, and John Geddes